Sunday, November 6, 2011


Well I haven't posted since Hunter started having health issues so I thought I would give everyone the basics to make sure we are all on the same page.

 February 2011 was the start of Hunter's Health Nightmare, we found ourselves in the ER with Hunter after had dropped to the floor with unbearable stomach pain he was admitted to the hospital because he had 5 intussusceptions (his small intestine was telescoping into itself). After ultrasounds, nuclear x-rays, specialists, poking and prodding the doctors found scar tissue and enlarged lymph nodes in and around his intestines. So we were told his intestines were underdeveloped and he started a trial medication.

We thought this trial medication was the answer to our prayers; everything the doctors had been testing for seemed to be something of the past. Well this was true until August came around and the other shoe in a sense dropped.

 After all the testing and retesting Hunter has been diagnosed with Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) in about a week and a half he will be starting IVIG which is a Plasma Infusion. He will have to have these treatments monthly at first in a hospital so he can be monitored closely, lasting anywhere between 3-5 hours. After a couple of months doing the IVIG treatments in the hospital we will be having a nurse come to the house and teaching me to give him the treatments at home. Doesn't that sound like a fun treat!!

 There is some hope though that he could possibly outgrow this condition sometimes children especially boys have an undeveloped immune system that can develop into a normal working immune system by age 6. So right now our immunologist is keeping him on this treatment until May to make sure he gets through the flu and cold season without being hospitalized and then taking him off of the plasma infusions for 3 months in the summer, making sure we monitor his surroundings and then retesting his immune system at the end of August and see what everything looks like then.

 But in the meantime we are just lifting my little man up to the great physician, and of course prayers are definitely appreciated.

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